The following is a contribution by Eden therapist, Rachelle
It’s no secret that mothers play an important role in everyone’s lives, and in most cases, not as important in their own. It’s fair to say that if there is anything in our life that we care for or have some degree of responsibility towards; whether it be employees, children, pets, a home, the garden, grandchildren, etc…, we then have a sense of the many aspects of mothering (Feeding, bathing, managing and micromanaging a team, negotiating, communicating, listening…the list is endless)
Quite often, it is mentioned to our guests who arrive through the front gates of Eden, that the valley itself has a resemblance to the womb of mother nature. There is an incredible natural presence of beauty, support, nourishment and unconditional love that welcomes and embraces you while you retreat and reconnect with your true self.
So, if you find yourself caught up in the hum drum of daily life, having a hard time coping with challenges, pressured by deadlines and commitments, or just plain exhausted from the countless hours spent looking after everyone else but you… give yourself the gift that keeps on giving, self-love and presence.
Being present and taking time out for self; especially in a busy home, hectic office space or an emotional roller-coaster, not only replenishes your soul, it realigns you to what truly matters in life. Do yourself a favour, don’t wait till that moment when things get too hard to handle or when a celebration comes around once a year, do something special for you today. Treat yourself the way you would treat a person that you were caring for and do it from the space of a loving heart.
What if you simply devoted this year to loving yourself more?
Be sure to follow through on your intentions of self-love with positive action.
Engage in and implement activities that inspire and revitalize you.
Honour the voice of your true self.
“And one day she discovered that she was fierce, and strong, and full of fire, and that not even she could hold herself back because her passion burned brighter than her fears.†~ Mark Anthony