We were proud to once again host Kirsten King, founder of Fluidform Pilates, at our annual Pilates Week at Eden Health Retreat (18th – 24th August). In keeping with Joseph Pilates teachings, our guests certainly left feeling a lot younger than when they arrived! The Pilates Forum concluded with the Open Air Mat Pilates Class, featuring Pip Edwards sand Sylvia Jeffreys.
Every one of our guests joined in with enthusiasm, energy and excitement – even when the going got tough. But the results were worth it. And the rewards even better, with each guest enjoying our special muscle release massage treatments and relaxation classes to balance out each person’s physical investment.
Moving our bodies each day is a must, a habit we focus on every week at Eden Health Retreat. Incorporating specialised exercises, whether it’s Pilates, yoga, weights, running, or swimming is one thing on your daily to-do list everyone should make time for.
Kirsten showed our guests how to include Pilates movements, both big and small, into every day life, and inspired our guests with the many benefits of such movements. If you’ve never tried Pilates before then the benefits of better, easier movement, a more flexible spine, less back pain, stronger muscles and straighter posture may be enough to encourage you to try a class.
Or, if you’re feeling inspired, sign up today for our Pilates Week 2020. Once again hosted by Kirsten King, we’re thrilled to welcome her and you back for another fabulous week of movement and wellbeing.